Friday, September 30, 2016

Otaru Sankaku Market - Uni Hotate Don

I love to eat. Whenever I am travelling, my priority will be food food food food, and hence I decided to visit all the markets that I could find in various cities in Japan.
I love kaisen don (seafood bowl) and it is so hard to find one that is good and yet still within my budget in Singapore. When I went to Hokkaido, I seem to lose my mind. I made a point to visit the Hakodate market, Otaru sankaku market and Sapporo nijo market.
I am going to write about the uni hotate (sea urchin & scallop) don that I ate in Otaru sankaku market. Otaru Sankaku Market is located so near the train station you can see it from there, like seriously.
More info on Otaru Sankaku market here.
Otaru sankaku market is like really small, there is only like a stretch of shops and that's it. It is very small compared to Tsukiji market in Tokyo, Nishiki market in Kyoto, Kuromon market in Osaka. However, theere are still good food in there.

So, we went to the market. I swear it kept raining when we were in Otaru, it rained like the both days we were there. Nevertheless, I still insisted that we go to the market for breakfast. I wonder if we went early (9-ish) cos it was really empty or was it ebcause it was a weekday and it was raining? hmm, but less people = better for us anyway :D
More info about the shop here.
I knew I wanted to eat uni hotate don and I read about this shop online and hence I wanted to visit it. Sorry I didn't took a photo of the exterior but the shop name is  食べ処あい田 . Click on the link above and there will be photos of the shop. It wasn't that well-lit or bright and I wonder if that was why the shop was empty when we went but it was alright cos the food was so good omg. I personally think it is better than the other shop in the market.
Live scallops in the tank at the entrance of the shop~~
Here's the menu. Sorry it's not that clear but we ordered the uni hotate don (2,800 yen), if you only want the hotate don, it will be 900 yen (which is so affordable!) and they have other cooked set meals (if you don't like raw food) and there are some which are under 1,000 yen as well. Very affordable.
We were served tea once we were seated & the owner will cook in front of us. Our order took some time because the SCALLOPS WERE FRESHLY SHUCKED. After you order any scallop dish (I think), the daughter actually goes out with a box (?) to take scallops from the tank to be prepared for your dish. Talk about fresh~~ Can't get any fresher than that. For the uni though, I heard they got it from another store pre-packed (this might explain why the uni hotate don is more expensive than the hotate don by like 1900 yen) , but the uni is still fresh and sweet. I can't eat uni that good with that price in Singapore so I went for it.
My meal~~ comes with soup, two side dishes which tasted really good as well and fruits too! I thought the side dishes and fruits were a really sweet gesture. Usually most shops will just serve you soup, no side dish or fruit so I was pleasantly surprised.

& the taste? SUPERB. The scallops and uni are so fresh and sweet, no weird taste at all. The uni was so buttery and creamy with just the right amount of saltiness. I wish I could eat this everyday ugh.
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