Monday, October 3, 2016

Santa no hige - Hokkaido Melon ice cream

Hokkaido is famous for their melons as well, santa no hige (santa's beard) is a melon with milk ice cream/ melon ice cream or a mix of melon and milk ice cream. There are two branches - one in Furano city, one in Otaru. I went to the one in Otaru cos it's more easily accessible without car and all.

More info Here.

To find the shop.

This place is near the canal so it should be wasy to spot.  It is the building under the bell tower (?) thingy.

The shop is located on the first floor and we went up to level 2 to eat.

Half melon with plain ice cream - 1,100 yen. (mixed & melon ice cream cost 1,200 yen)
Quarter melon with ice cream - 650-700 yen w/o toppings.

There is also the choice of chocolate drizzle topping & red bean toppings.

Address: Japan, 〒047-0031 北海道小樽市色内1丁目1−17
Opening hours: 10:30-6:30

More info Here.
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